Teaching Your Child Sound Dental Care Habits

Posted on: 30 September 2020
Dental hygiene can be one of the more difficult habits to foster in your children. While most children will dislike the need to brush there teeth on a daily basis, there are some tips that can be especially helpful when it comes to reinforcing these habits in your children. Brush Your Teeth With Your Child Spending the time to brush your teeth at the same time as your child will be one of the more useful ways of helping to reinforce the need to thoroughly brush all of the teeth as well as using the correct circular motion when brushing each tooth.
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Parenting Guidance: How Daycare Teachers Can Help

Posted on: 12 July 2019
New parents often feel lost when they first become parents. They enroll their children in daycare, and sometimes they turn to the daycare teachers for support and guidance. That is where you, a childcare teacher, can be of great help. Here is how.  Answering Parent Questions about the Latest Parenting Guides Back when Dr. Spock was "the word" on child-rearing, no one asked child development specialists or daycare teachers anything. Now it seems like there is a new child parenting approach out every year.
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3 Fun Snow-Related Food Activities to Do with Your Preschool Class

Posted on: 4 January 2017
If you are learning about winter and snow in your preschool class, here are three fun food-related snow activities that you can do with your students. If your preschool curriculum requires you to plan at least one food-related learning activity per week, you can use these three activities as your food related learning activity for your snow or winter learning unit. #1: Snow Cream This is a great activity when you have freshly fallen snow outside.
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Child Care And Technology: Your Preschooler And Electronics Play-Time

Posted on: 14 September 2016
You've heard the buzz that young children and screens don't mix. But, what about technology use in child care? Even though the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should have no more than two hours of screen time per day, that doesn't mean your child's preschool day will be electronics free. Early childhood educators can use technology to help young children learn and develop, according to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and Fred Rogers Media Center.
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