How To Know Your Child Is Ready For Pre-School Early Education

Posted on: 29 April 2021

Knowing whether your child is ready for pre-school early education is tricky. Parents must know what signs to look for. Indeed, preschool is a rewarding phase for your kid. It signals the start of a long academic journey.

Your child's readiness for preschool depends on their social, emotional, and physical development. They should show signs that they can cope with an elaborate schedule for long hours.

It's challenging to accept that your young one has attained the preschool attending age. But some indicators can help you tell whether they're ready or they need some in-house training before you let them off to preschool. These are signs that indicate your kid is a perfect candidate for pre-school early education

They Have Good Health and Energy

Your child needs to be in great moods and attitude to cope with a structured school day. It's important that they're healthy and energetic to keep going until the scheduled nap times. You should enroll your kids when you're sure they're in their best health. Since they're taking on an unusual timetable, you must ensure they have the stamina to undertake activities without burning out midway through. A child who can't keep up can get cranky, and you should enroll them when their energy can sustain them for long hours.

They Can Concentrate on a Routine

Essentially, pre-school early education involves a specific routine. It can be a morning session followed by art time, recess, a clean-up session, and storytime. If you notice your child has an easy time transitioning from one task to the other at home, they won't have problems doing the same in school. For a child to maintain growth in school, they should be able to concentrate and switch from one task to the next. You can consult your pre-school early education program administrator to help you identify areas that your kid needs to improve.

They Can Communicate Their Needs

Preschoolers don't have a fully developed speech. But it's imperative that you or the preschool teacher can understand their communication. Usually, kids in these formative years can construct simple sentences. This means they can communicate when they need the toilet or when they feel unwell. If you notice your child communicate their feelings at home, they will have an easy time communicating their needs to their teachers.

They Interact Well with Others

When weighing your child's readiness for pre-school early education, check whether they relate appropriately with others. Always check how they interact with friends, neighbors, and siblings. A child who plays and socializes with their age mates will have a great time transitioning into preschool.

Reach out to a pre-school early education program in your area for more information. 
